- What is your account number, please? 请问你的账号是多少?
- What's your account number please? 请问你的账户号码?
- Please write your account number on the back. 请在支票背面写上你的帐号。
- Can you give me your account number,please? 请把你的账号给我,好吗?
- Please write your account number on the back of the check. 请在支票背后写上您的帐号。
- Would you happen to know your account number? 您还记得住您的账户号码吗?
- I have your account number here. 我查到您的账号了。
- Please make sure to include/ provide your account number so we can expedite your refund if applicable. 在您与我们联系前,请先准备好您的会员号码,以便加速办理手续。
- We offer you free samples of products and hope you can bear the expressage.If you are agree,please give us your account number. 你是否能提供快递到付的帐号;因为我提供免费的样品;希望你能同时负担快递的费用.
- Of course. Would you please fill in your name and your account number on this form? 可以,请把您的名字和账号填在这张单子上。
- Each check has a serial number and your account number. 每一张支票有一个连续号码以及账号.
- A:Please fill out a deposit slip. Write down your account number, name and amount. 请填写存款凭条,写上您的账号、姓名和金额。
- Well,please write down your account number,your name and the amount on this deposit slip . 好的,请在这张存款条上写下您的账号、姓名和金额。
- Please make sure to include/provide your account number so we can expedite your refund if applicable. 在您与我们联系前,请先准备好您的会员号码,以便加速办理手续。
- Please state the amount you want to withdraw, the date, and your account number. 请告诉我您的取款金额、日期和您的账号。
- Please write down your account number, your name and the amount on this deposit slip. 请在这张存款条上写下你的账号、姓名和余额。
- Of course ,Mrs Walke,Could I have your account number please,and when does document need to arrive? B:当然,沃克女士。请问您的账号?这些文件需要什么时候送到?
- Honorific customer: The Dan of your account number has already activated. 尊敬的客户:朱丹,您的帐号已经激活。
- Would you please fill in the depositing form, giving the sum of money you're to deposit as well as your name and your account number? 请填张存款单,写明要存的数额以及你的姓名和帐号。
- Please DO NOT send money or otherwise fund your Account until your application has be accepted or your Account number has been notified to you. 在您未收到您申请被接受通知或您帐号之前,请务必不要匯款。